What a world wind couple of weeks we've had. 2 weeks ago, we participated at a dedication ceremony at our church for Ella Claire. What an awesome responsibility we have to raise our girls to love God...what precious gifts!! It was a memorable experience and so honored to have our family there to support us!
This past Monday, I got a call from preschool saying Greta Banks' arm looked funny. She had fallen on the playground and to make a long story short, she ended up breaking it in 2 places as well as "buckle in the bone" (a strong in bend in the bone). So now we're 4 weeks in a hot pink cast from under her arm to her wrist! She still has her sense of humor. When the doctor walked in after reviewing her X-rays she asked GB what was her favorite color and GB replied, "why?" She wasn't going to be fooled. Surprisingly, it all went fairly smoothly and we're all adjusting to accommodate for her one good arm with dressing, clothing, bathing, etc. Never a dull moment around here.
My new favorite comment came while playing with her buddy Sawyer. Sawyer had been quite empathetic to the little one, with her cast and all. He was giving her a hug and Greta Banks commented, "you know you love me Saw!" Gotta love it, don't you!