Monday, October 27, 2008

Funny Thoughts

Hope you all enjoy a view photos from our pumpkin trip to the Farmer's Market....

I've been a bit neglectful lately. I recently started new part-time job at our church and really enjoying it. However, adding more work to an already busy schedule just creates even more work and more of life to balance. I guess we all carry full plates though. A friend told me that at least starting a new job would help give me a different focus without obsessing/ nit picking the girls too true that is!!

This past weekend, we spent the entire morning in our PJs enjoying some movie time with Greta Banks watching Cinderella. She really has only watched this one Disney movie, mainly because it's the only one I have! :-) At the end she asked, "Mommy, why are they holding hands." I told her that was something she could do when she was about 30 when she really loved someone (hey, we have to start early here.) She then said, "like when my teeth get big." "Yes darling, when your teeth get big." (We're obsessed with teeth, can you tell??) She then said, "When my teeth get big, I can have Coke, right mommy." I then questioned,"Would you like to hold hands or drink Coke?" "I would like to drink Coke mommy." Maybe I can still persuade her at the age of 16 with Coke to drink instead of dating. Who knows???

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Baby Dedication and Broken Arm

What a world wind couple of weeks we've had. 2 weeks ago, we participated at a dedication ceremony at our church for Ella Claire. What an awesome responsibility we have to raise our girls to love God...what precious gifts!! It was a memorable experience and so honored to have our family there to support us!

This past Monday, I got a call from preschool saying Greta Banks' arm looked funny. She had fallen on the playground and to make a long story short, she ended up breaking it in 2 places as well as "buckle in the bone" (a strong in bend in the bone). So now we're 4 weeks in a hot pink cast from under her arm to her wrist! She still has her sense of humor. When the doctor walked in after reviewing her X-rays she asked GB what was her favorite color and GB replied, "why?" She wasn't going to be fooled. Surprisingly, it all went fairly smoothly and we're all adjusting to accommodate for her one good arm with dressing, clothing, bathing, etc. Never a dull moment around here.

My new favorite comment came while playing with her buddy Sawyer. Sawyer had been quite empathetic to the little one, with her cast and all. He was giving her a hug and Greta Banks commented, "you know you love me Saw!" Gotta love it, don't you!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Creation Story

Ella Claire is now 7 months. Man how time flies. Here's a recent picture of her. She's sitting up really well now, not too much falling over and really rolling all over the place. My favorite move she does is when she's sitting up and she starts bouncing. I really think the child may start scooting around on her bottom rather than's hilarious!

Today at preschool pick-up, Greta Banks' preschool teacher said that they were discussing the story of creation today. They were talking about Adam and Eve and Mrs. Alice said that Adam was a daddy along time ago. Much to her teacher's dismay, Greta Banks then asked if Adam was Mrs. Alice's daddy. The eloquent words of my little one!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Double names

I love double names. I love the southern ideal of having 2 names and especially caring on family names. Both of my girls go by 2 names and we joke that we "like to keep them good and southern." Greta Banks has been called many names by her friends, "Banks," "Beta Banks," and even "GB." My favorite by far was heard at preschool yesterday. While standing in line to pick her up from her classroom, I was speaking to a fellow mom and said her daughter had enjoyed playing with "piggy banks" at preschool. The mom thought they were pretend piggy banks they had within a center. Her daughter exclaimed "No mommy. She's a real live person." Yes that would be my southern gal she was referring to, Greta Banks!! Too cute not to share!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Preschool Begins

I love this time of year. I love the weather getting cooler, seasons beginning to change, and the start of school. It must be my "inner teacher" in me but I love the start of the school year. It announces change, new responsibilities, new teachers, new friends, and new schedules. I love being at home with my girls but was awaiting with anticipation for Greta Banks' first day of preschool. We started the morning with a special "Happy 1st Day of Preschool" breakfast, with a candle and all, and even had first day of school cookie treats that afternoon for snack. In carpool, it was sad to see her leap out of the car heading to her class. She's really growing up and establishing her own independance. I was a little teary but also so pleased she LOVES going to school!

All she had to say about her day was that her teacher asked her to sit in her seat just like mommy and daddy do at the table (we're still working on that...I swear the child has ants in her pants) :-) On another note, I was so proud of Greta Banks this week. She wrote her name by herself for the first time. She did completely without being prompted...she's truly gifted! We're starting AG classes next week ;-) I love you sweet the moon and back!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Making Memories

If there's one thing I've learned about mothering, it's more about making memories and providing experiences for your children. Today we had the chance to attend the season opener of the Duke football season. We are die hard NC State fans and hated to shift our allegiance for the day, but how can you turn down free tickets and free food!?!

This was Greta Banks' first time at a football game, and I must say she had a ball. We were able to attend with Ryan's sister and nephew. Ryan's sister is a Duke nurse and it was Employee Appreciation Day. They had yummy "tailgating food," face painting, and "jumpy" castles for the kids. It was extremely HOT but how fun to watch the team, cheerleaders, and band make their way down Duke valley. Greta Banks wasn't too fond of the band...she doesn't care for loud noise. Once in the stadium, she LOVED the cheerleaders and even began chiming in as well yelling, "Go Dookies!" The rain soon settled in and made for even more fun puddle splashing on the way back to the car. Making good memories, right? I know it wasn't a game I'll soon forget, even if it wasn't NC State!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just the Beginning...

I'm pretty excited to begin this new endeavor. I've been convicted lately at how fast time flies and how even faster it goes now with children. I had a great conversation a couple of weeks ago with a fellow mom about treasuring time with our children. Greta Banks is already 3 years old, I mean 3 YEARS OLD. I was present for all those 3 years, at least physically. I hope to use this blog as a way to stop and record those funny moments in life, especially those involving my girls, Greta Banks and Ella Claire.

Greta Banks now says some of the funniest things. While on vacation last week at the beach, she was obsessed with riding the "alligator." For the life of me, I had the hardest time figuring it out. You can imagine how the conversation went:

GB: I want to ride the alligator.

Me: The what?

GB: THE ALLIGATOR, you know so I can push the buttons.

Finally after much hysterically laughter on my part that I then realized she meant elevator! Who would have known! We were playing Go Fish the other night, or at least attempting to, when she was recognizing the Disney Characters on each card. My favorite was "Chicken Bale." Can you guess the 3 year translation...Chip and Dale?

Moments like these are ones that I truly hope to treasure. Taking time to savor the moment, live in the here and now, and not dwell too much in the "what happens next" scenario. I guess that's something we all learn and relearn about life, huh!